Key Takeaways
PhillyBOLT offers programming focused on empowering grassroots leaders to drive community-led change by working to amplify their impact, build their capacity, and accelerate progress towards thriving neighborhoods led by local residents
PhillyBOLT helps leaders explore the local ecosystem of resources and stakeholders, providing insights into building connectivity within existing systems, such as understanding political structures like Philly’s Ward System and initiatives like the Philly Land Bank
PhillyBOLT drives intergenerational collaboration by supporting both experienced community leaders and youth to ensure a sustainable leadership pipeline.
At Envoy, we work closely with organizational leaders to plan, develop, and launch new initiatives meant to address community challenges. Supporting their operations, strategy, and program implementation, we help ensure leaders have the expertise and capacity to realize their organizational vision. PhillyBOLT, a Philadelphia-based nonprofit, works to achieve a similar mission, providing hands-on training and technical assistance to grassroots leaders looking to launch new initiatives or grow existing ones. Through targeted programming, leadership development, and connection building, PhillyBOLT helps community leaders create and scale solutions to local challenges. Continuing Envoy’s Strategy and Philanthropy Conversation Series, Hillary Do, Founder and Executive Director at PhillyBOLT, joins us to discuss her work with local leaders and the importance of investing in grassroots community initiatives. Hillary provides her expertise on nonprofit management and leadership development, while providing her vision for a better, more impactful Philadelphia.
To view the entire conversation and more conversations like it, check out our YouTube channel here.